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Preston Driving Lesson Prices

Preston Driving School operate a very simple price structure. Our driving instructors in Preston just offer great value driving lessons that are priced in a very straightforward way. See below for the prices of our driving lessons in Preston.

Manual lesson prices in postcodes PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4 and PR5

Trial Hour with discount* £20

Standard / Student hourly rate £34 per hour

Block-booking of 10 hours** £330

Manual lesson prices in postcodes PR6, PR7, PR25 and PR26

Trial Hour with discount* £20

Standard / Student hourly rate £37 per hour

1.5 hour lessons £55

2 hour lessons £72

Block-booking of 10 hours** £360

Automatic lesson prices in postcodes PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4 & PR5

Trial Hour with discount* £20

Automatic Driving Lessons in Preston £35 per hour

Automatic block booking 10 hours** £340

Automatic lesson prices in postcodes PR6, PR7, PR25 and PR26

Trial Hour with discount* £20

Automatic Driving Lessons in Preston £40 per hour

Automatic block booking 10 hours** £390

Motorway Lessons

Motorway lessons £40 per hour


Driving Instructor Training in Preston £45 per hour

View more details at

* The half price trial hour will form part of your first two hour driving lesson and is not available to pupils who require a very short course, for example refresher lessons, pass-plus courses etc

** Please note: All of the Preston Driving Instructors are self-employed instructors and as such Preston Driving School Ltd are not responsible for any money paid by you for any block booking payments direct to your instructor. All payments for driving lessons are regarded as a contract between you and your individual instructor.

Refunds from block booking payments: When a pupil pays for a block booking direct with their instructor and then for some reason needs to cancel the block booking then the number of lessons that have been taken will be automatically charged at the normal hourly rate for individual hours, this figure will then be deducted from the block booking payment that was paid and then the balance of that will be refunded by your instructor.



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